Welcome to FEC Resources

FEC Resources, Inc. (FEC or the Company) is listed under the ticker symbol "FECOF" and is a subsidiary of PXP Energy Corporation (Philex) who holds 54.99% of the undiluted issued and outstanding capital of the Company.

The principal investment of FEC is a 6.80% stake in the UK company Forum Energy Limited (Forum)

Forum's principal asset is a 70% interest in the GSEC101 offshore licence located to the north west of the Philippine island of Palawan. The area is some 10,360 Km2 and contains the Sampaguita gas discovery which has expected gas in place of 3.4TCF and potential upside to 20 TCF ("Trillion Cubic Feet").

Click here for the 2024 FEC Resources Inc. Annual General Meeting Documents

Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation on Oil and Gas Developmnent between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the People's Republic of China:
Click here for the Memorandum of Understanding

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